Detail of IDR 50.000 banknote: Bali’s Danau Bratan temple in Bedugul
Our prices for spa treatment are based on US-dollar and include tax and service.
You may pay cash with US$, EUR or IDR. If you pay with EUR or IDR we will apply the exchange rate of the day of payment. To get an idea about the rates on Bali you may want to look up Bank BCA’s current exchange rates.
You also can pay with Master or Visa credit card but we will apply a 3% surcharge. Credit card payments are being processed in IDR.
If you want to pay in advance, for example as a gift, we offer pre-payment via PayPal. Please note that pre-payments are not refundable, but appointment date is not binding for the customer, treatment can be taken within 3 months after payment.
Regarding US bills please be aware that US bills Series below 2000 are often rejected and Series 1996 and below are always rejected for counterfeiting concerns by all businesses on Bali. Mainly for the reason that watermark and other security features were implemented 1996 and later. We apologize for any inconvenience.