Ever wondered what time will be that sunset on that particular day at Tanah Lot or Uluwatu or Jimbaran beach? Sunrise in August at Sanur beach? Local time now in Bali? How many hours time difference to Bali (GMT +8 hours, no daylight saving time in 2009)?
Time and Date shows you for any given day (between 1989 and 2029) rising and setting times (and many more parameter) for the sun and the moon. In detail:
- Time of sunrise and sunset; length of day; solar noon time, altitude and distance
- Start and end of astronomical twilight, nautical twilight and civil twilight
- Sunrise and sunset azimuth
- Moonrise, moonset, moonphase; meridian passing time, altitude and distance
Time Zone Map shows current time zones for across the world, just move your mouse over the site’s world map. BTW Bali has same time as Singapore, Hong Kong and Manila, and is one hour ahead of Jakarta.